Get that extra edge – with our expert insights

Daily monitoring & monthly discussions
Pulse is an active service provided by contactSPACE, whereby our data scientists and contact centre experts track your results on an ongoing basis, designing data and contact strategies to deliver performance improvement.
Here’s how it works.
Sign up
contactSPACE customers can opt in or opt out at any time. Simply contact the customer success team to find out more about how you can get started.
No lock-in contract is required. However, contactSPACE customers have seen best results from a commitment of four months or longer.

Initial discussion
In the initial meeting, our team will get to the bottom of what your needs are and the specifics of your initiatives and data strategies.
Our experts will also find out more about your business objectives, and how your team works to achieve them.
Finally, your team will have the opportunity to outline any specific issues you’re looking to get to the bottom of.
For example, if results on a specific initiative aren’t as expected for the year to date, Pulse consultation can help you get to the bottom of why this may be occurring.
Data analysis
After the initial consultation, our team will undertake an extensive analysis of your contact centre performance.
We’ll look at outcomes such as your pick up rates, wrap/pause/preview time, contact rates, and your overall conversion rates.

These metrics will be analysed across time, and segmented by dimensions such as your specific initiatives and users on the system, depending on your specific needs.
This enables our team to provide recommendations pertaining to specific agent performance, initiative/dialler settings, and data strategies, enabling you to get the most out of your team, as well as your software solution.

Monthly workshops
Each month, our team will provide specific recommendations to enable your organisation to improve contact centre efficiency and deliver better business outcomes.
We’ll walk you through the insights provided by our analysis, explain the reasoning behind our recommendations, and show you the exact steps to take to improve results.
Our goal is to provide actionable micro-strategies your team leaders to instantly improve results.
We’ll be sharing the exact steps you can take, based on best practice we have observed across our customer base and the wider industry, to achieve your specific business goals.
As always, this monthly workshop is an open discussion – our team is open to any questions and any concerns you’d like to address over the following month. If questions arise in the week or two prior to the meeting, our experts are always open for an email if you’d like to set an agenda.

Following this monthly catch-up, we’ll continue to monitor results as your team implements our recommendations.
In the following discussions, we can provide more granular advice, including some potential ideas for further optimisation based on the results observed.
If necessary, we can also guide you through the implementation process, demonstrating how to change specific initiative settings, for example.
We can also provide recommendations for ongoing process improvement if areas for optimisation exist, for instance helping your team get the most out of our reporting functionality, dialler settings, filters, interfaces, data segmentation, skills-based routing, and much, much more.
Ongoing improvement
There’s incredible benefit to be had in employing Pulse on an ongoing basis as a sort of safety net, ensuring you get the most out of your contact centre without the hassle of managing ongoing monitoring.
Stop wasting time worrying about every little minute detail. Let our experts keep track of results, allowing your team leaders to play to their strengths, and make the most of their time.
With Pulse, our experts will continue to monitor your results and suggest further areas of improvement. We will strive to get your contact centre performing at its absolute best – whether this takes one month or twelve.
As mentioned, contactSPACE customers can opt out of Pulse at any point in time. We recommend using the service for at least four months to see the best-possible return on investment.

Let managers do what they do best
Pulse can give you unparalleled peace of mind.
In every contact centre, managers and supervisors have a wide array of roles and responsibilities – managing recruitment and rostering, developing awesome contact strategies, and even helping agents with professional development.
Having a data scientist on your team, even indirectly, can be a massive help. Without someone crunching the numbers, how do you know that you’re getting the most out of your team, and your software solution?
Free your team leaders to focus on what they do best – rather than having to worry 24/7 about monitoring results.
Even if you’re certain you’re performing at your very best on the contactSPACE platform, we’ve found that our experts can still find areas for improvement.
But since there’s no long-term commitment required, Pulse is an incredibly accessible product – no matter your budget.
Insights on offer
Our data scientists will perform a deep dive into your data, in order to develop actionable strategies you can use to achieve better results.
Here are some of the insights we uncover.

Correlation coefficients
Ever wondered if your agent callbacks correlated with your contacts per hour? Or how much your preview time would increase as your number of contacts per hour increases?
Pulse analysis utilises detailed correlation coefficients. This essentially creates a web of linkages between different metrics you may report on.
With this information, you can begin to understand the real catalysts for the results that your team achieves.
We will show you the exact tactical changes you can make in order improve the number of positive outcomes you’re achieving, and improve efficiency in your contact centre.
Ever wondered why contacts don’t pick up?
We will help you develop better CLI optimisation strategies, enabling agents to get in contact with more people more efficiently.
Our team can also develop greater insights into other reasons why your leads may not be answering, and how you can better-utilise the valuable time you spend dialling.

For example:
- How many times is it worth trying a contact before shelving the record?
- Which numbers are more likely to be filtered by anti-spam applications?
- How long should you let your numbers ring before moving on to a new call?

Performance mapping
Numbers never lie.
Get on top of how well your team is actually performing. Our experts account for time logged in, and revenue associated with specific users, enabling you to provide better-targeted feedback to your team.
Uncover your hidden top achievers, and use their best practices to improve the performance of your other callers.
In this example, agents are plotted as circles, the size of the circle representing the revenue associated with each specific user.
“Contacts” refers to the number of connections made which lasted over a certain number of seconds. It indicates that the agent was able to capture the person’s attention and engage them in conversation – a key skill on outbound initiatives.
A line of best fit is used to show average agent performance, dependent on the number of dials made. As we can see, the light blue agent is performing exceptionally well, while the green agent is underperforming, despite having the highest number of total dials.
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